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Pedia Pain Focus

Jan 12, 2021

Undertreatment of children's pain is pervasive despite scientific advances, and national guidelines. Some of that is a result of common mistakes healthcare professional are making, often unknowingly.

This episode explores the 5 of the most common and what I call the most nefarious but easy to address mistakes when dealing with pediatric pain management.


Takeaways in This Episode

  • A common challenge faced by most healthcare professionals
  • A conceptual fallacy around pain
  • How even acute presentation of pain may not simply be a symptom of another disease or cause and how that impacts its management
  • Multiple benefits of prioritizing pediatric pain management (Hint: Benefits for the HCPs)
  • Role played by regulatory bodies like JCAHO, CMS in negatively impacting pediatric pain management
  • Role of diagnostic tests, and parents involvement 
  • The widespread impact of pediatric pain



IASP Wait Times Guidelines

Pedia Pain Focus Episode #41 

Pedia Pain Focus Episode #42. There are No "Difficult" Patients

Pedia Pain Focus Episode #38. Why Pediatric Pain Education is Failing and How to Fix It.

Proactive Pain Solutions Physicians Academy

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Proactive Pain Solutions